How do I find my products to add as Upsells?

When searching for products to create upsells, you might have noticed that not all your products auto-populate or appear in the Select Products window. This will mainly occur in stores that have a large catalog of products, and it will happen because we don’t load all the results to make sure that we reduce the loading speed of our app.

Also, if you have an extensive collection of products with the same title or name, you might see that the search results are not exact or don't display the product that you are looking for. To make sure that the exact product that you need appears in the search window, the best way is to use the Product SKU or Variant SKU.

To find the Product SKU, you can follow these steps:

  1. In your Shopify Products dashboard, search for the product and view it.
  2. Copy the Product SKU from the Shopify product URL (there’s a set of numbers at the end of the URL that identifies the product)
  3. Paste it in the upsells' search box, and it will show the exact product.

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