How to run upsell offers with Lifetimely by AMP recommendations?

Note: This article is for merchants using both Upsell by AMP & Lifetimely by AMP (our best-in-class analytics app)

Also read: What are Lifetimely Recommendations & how are they better than other AI recommendations?

Upsell by AMP provides two options to run automated recommendations - Shopify AI & Lifetimely by AMP. For merchants who are using both Lifetimely & Upsell, we prefer running upsells with Lifetimely recommendations.

1) You can add upsell offers to any placement with Lifetimely product recommendation by switching ON recommendations toggle while setting up a placement.

2) If both Shopify & Lifetimely recommendations are switched on, we will prefer Lifetimely data first and fallback on Shopify if we don't find matches in lifetimely.

3) Manual offers setup via Journeys will always take preference over automated recommendations

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