Customizing Upsell's slide-out cart

Help customers find products they love by recommending top-selling and related products directly from their shopping cart. 

How to create a Cart Upsell

To create a cart upsell, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Journey: here, you can select the products you'd like to offer on the upsells.

When creating a Journey, add your Journey name. You can also add conditions as triggers to start your Journey or upsell.

  1. Then go to the Cart section and add your offer product upsells!

If you want more information, you can check our guide on How to setup an upselling journey.

How to enable the Upsell in Cart feature

To Enable this feature:

  1. Go to the app Dashboard > Click on Cart.

or go to Placements, then click on Cart.

  1. Then, go to the Upsell tab and toggle the feature on.

In this section, you may also click on "Setup Journeys" if you don't have one yet, it will redirect you to the Journey page to create your offer.

Customization Upsell section

In the Cart tab>Upsell > General Settings, you will find some customization options such as:

  • Upsell Title: Here, you can edit the title that'll be shown above your upsells; by default, the placeholder text is 'Recommended Products.'
  • Add To Cart Button Text: Here, you can edit the add to cart button text, which by default is 'Add.'
  • Use carrousel when multiple upsell products: If this option is enabled, the upsell module will display in carousel mode if there's more than one upsell active. We recommend enabling this option, especially if multiple upsell products are active.
  • Replace "Add to cart" button with "View product": If you'd like your customers to be re-directed to the product page instead of adding the upsell to the cart, you have to enable this option.
  • Show compare-at-price:  Enable this to show the compare-at-price configured in the Shopify product in the cart feature.
  • Import product reviews automatically: Pull in live reviews from Okendo or provide manual star ratings during the upsell journey setup.

For the automated upsell fallback function, you can:

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